Active students, faculty, and staff may publish Web content through the server. Each user's web address is based on their Charger ID ( + tilde + ChargerID). An example is

See for more information.

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or Secure Copy (SCP) may be used to transfer content to the server. FileZilla is one free utility that can be used on Windows or macOS computers for transferring the content. Linux and macOS users may also use the command-line "sftp" and "scp" utilities that are shipped with those operating systems.

To upload content to your own space on that server, follow the steps below.

  1. Use an SFTP client to connect to the server The required port is 22.
  2. Login is with your Charger ID and password (the same credentials you use for Canvas, myUAH, and more).
  3. Navigate to the public_html folder in your directory if you aren't put there automatically.
  4. Upload content to your public_html folder to make it available on your page.


  • The maximum space allocated by default is 100 MB.
  • If you need to update content that you don't have a copy of locally, you can download existing files and edit them and then upload them again.
  • Command-line editors such as "vim" may be used to edit the files directly by logging into via a Secure Shell (ssh) connection.

Please contact the OIT Help Desk if you have any questions or encounter any problems.