Before you begin:

  • Operating System and Software – Your computer should have an up-to-date operating system, as well as antivirus software.
  • Username and password - If asked to provide a username to gain access to the network, provide your UAH email address. If you do not remember your email address or password, you can visit to reset your password, or contact the OIT Help Desk for assistance.


  1. Connect your computer to the Ethernet port in your area. If there are multiple ports, choose the orange port. If there are multiple orange ports, choose the first one (the upper-left one).
  2. After one minute, attempt to browse to
  3. If the connection is unsuccessful, complete and submit the Network Access Request Form (NARF).


Refer to this KB article: Accessing UAH Wi-Fi

If you need assistance, please contact the OIT Help Desk by submitting a request, emailing, or calling 256-824-3333. Visit for our hours of operation and a link to our chatbot.