How Should I Create a New Website for Myself or My Project, Team, or Organization?


There are several options available to UAH constituents for website creation:

Webpage on

The official UAH website,, is managed by the Office of Marketing and Communications. If you need to make changes to a department or organization's site hosted on, please contact your group's web administrator or the OMC webteam at

Google Sites

For creating personal, organizational, or project-related websites, OIT prefers that you take advantage of Google Sites, a free web builder offered as part of the Google Workspace productivity suite. This WYSIWYG editor offers code-free website building and customizable templates. Sites also allows you to insert custom HTML, if desired.

Try out Google Sites at

Learn more about Google Sites in the Google Workspace Learning Center.

Personal Webpages Server

The UAH Personal Webpages Server located at allows advanced users to upload HTML and CSS using a SFTP client.

Learn more about publishing web content on the Webpages server.

Still Need Help?

If you have additional questions about this topic, please contact the OIT Help Desk.