Canvas: How to publish grades to Banner

Important Update: The Registrar's Office rolls grades in Banner nightly (11:45 pm). This means that when grades are pushed from Canvas to Banner, any necessary grade changes in Banner need to be the same day. Any grades changed after they have been submitted and rolled in Banner will require you to submit a Grade Change Form (available at If you have any questions please contact

Publishing Grades to Banner

Note: It is recommended that you NOT be logged into your Banner Grades page while pushing grades from Canvas. To ensure the best experience, only log into Banner to confirm your grades AFTER you have have initiated a grade push from the LMS.

1. Confirm you have sync permissions

Only the instructor of record for a course (those with the Teacher role in Canvas) can sync grades to Banner. Users with TA or Faculty roles in Canvas cannot sync grades to Banner.

2. In Canvas, verify that you have enabled a course grading scheme

  • Select Settings from the left navigation.
  • Open the Course Details tab.
  • Enable the Grading Scheme.

To learn more about enabling grading schemes in your course:

3. Verify the grades are correct in the Gradebook 

  • In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
  • Ensure letter grades are correct in the Gradebook Total column
    • Delete assignments that were not used in the course
    • Check for missing assignment grades
    • Make any necessary point adjustments
    • Enter 0 for incomplete assignments
    • Post any grades that have been hidden

4. Sync grades to SIS

  • Click the Sync menu.
  • Select the Sync Grades to SIS link.

5. Confirm Sync

  • Click the OK button.

Note: When grades are synced, Canvas will immediately initiate the grades transfer, but you may need to wait a few minutes before data appears in Banner. If you click 'submit' on the grade screen in Banner during the sync process, you will overwrite the grades updated from Canvas.

6. Review confirmation email

  • After the process is complete you will receive a confirmation email via your UAH Gmail listing the following:
    • A list of grades that have been pushed to Banner, including:
      • Student's A Number
      • Student's Name
      • Letter Grade
      • Percentage Grade
    • A list of any student grades that were not pushed to Banner with an explanation of why the push was not successful. Examples might include:
      • Discrepancies between the student's current and final grade listed in Canvas
      • The student is a TA in the course
      • The student is a PASS Leader in the course

7. Verify grades in Banner

  • Log in to Banner and access your Grades page to verify that each student received the appropriate letter grade.
  • If any adjustments need to be made you can manually adjust grades in Banner or resubmit grades via Canvas so long as you do so before 11:45pm.
    Note: S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory), and I (Incomplete) grades cannot be pushed from Canvas. These grade designations must be manually entered in Banner. 
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Article ID: 67123
Mon 11/12/18 4:28 PM
Mon 10/2/23 8:47 AM