Banner form becomes unresponsive or "There is no saved output for ..."

If you are using Banner and the Banner form you are using becomes unresponsive and only shows a spinning cursor/wheel (for more than 10 seconds) or you encounter the Banner form/process error, "There is no saved output for the Process Name/Number in the database," please note that this error is most common when data is still running for a particular report. Sometimes it can also happen when browser cache and/or server side cache needs to be cleared following an upgrade.

If this happens, please do the following:

  1. Use the details in this article to clear the cache in your Web browser
  2. Close/exit the browser
  3. Reopen the browser
  4. Log into Banner again
  5. Try your steps to accomplish your task again. 

If the steps above do not resolve the problem, please contact the OIT Help Desk.

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