The error below sometimes can occur in rare cases when opening a Microsoft Office program for MacOS on an Apple computer. Usually when this occurs user reports having to force-close the program.
Should this occur, here are the steps that can be taken to resolve it:
- Open up a Finder window, then from the top bar, select Go > Go to Folder.
- Enter in ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office and then double-click the first result to open the folder.
- Make sure you are able to temporarily see hidden files by toggling the setting to view them. You can do this by pressing Shift + ⌘ Command + . (period key). You should see a folder called User Content that you will want to open next.
** It's possible that the folder could be named something like User Content.localized, etc, but it should be very close in name.
- From within the User Content folder, navigate to the Startup folder, then Word (or Excel, etc).
- In the folder there should be some files with names similar to linkCreation.dotm. Delete any of these files.
- Toggle hidden files off with Shift + ⌘ Command + . (period key) and close the Finder window.
- Try to open up the Office program that was giving you the error previously and see if it is now functioning correctly.