Instructions on accessing the Chargerware website.
Information about Software Center (SCCM)
How to install and generate a desktop backup with CrashPlan.
Frequently asked questions regarding CrashPlan Cloud for Enterprise.
This contains the list of OS and browser products that were supported by CrashPlan (a desktop backup solution) as of June 15, 2023.
Download software through Chargerware.
How to manually force updates on Windows 10 Devices
These steps are for installing Adobe software from the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS).
Learn how to install ArcGIS Desktop Advanced and ArcGIS Pro from Chargerware
How to map network shares to Windows computers on the UAH domain.
Instructions on how to resolve compatibility issues between different versions of Microsoft Office, Project, and Visio.
Resolve known compatibility issue between SPSS versions 26, 27, 28, and 29 and Sonoma (macOS 14.0).
Some information on possible fixes for invisible text in Big Sur.
Instructions to resolve the Office for MacOS Run-time error: "53".
Manually update the Global Address List in Microsoft Outlook
An explanation about MSI vs. Click-to-Run technology for installing Microsoft Office products.
Instructions for how to start required Windows updates through Software Center.
Troubleshooting solutions for Error 7001 Symptom 18 in SPSS.
Information provided to OIT from Mathworks in November 2019.