
This service is available to any UAH affiliate. There is no cost associated with this service.

Cisco Jabber is an application, available for iPhone, Android, Windows, and macOS, that will allow you to use your existing smartphone or PC with the UAH phone network. Your UAH number (+1 256 824 xxxx) will ring on your smartphone or PC, and you can open Jabber to make outgoing calls from your UAH phone number. It's easy to sign into Jabber to use this functionality, and it's just as easy to sign out when you don't need to receive calls for your UAH number.

Getting Started with Jabber

To download Cisco Jabber, navigate to http://go.uah.edu/jabber in a web browser (such as Safari, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge). Be sure to visit this link on the device where you'd like to install Jabber. (If you have multiple devices where you'd like to install Jabber, visit the link on each device.)


If browsing to the above link just brings you back to this page, then either you do not have a UAH phone number on file, or we weren't able to locate it. Please click the "Request UAH Phone Number" button to get in touch with us.