What is Degree Works?

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Degree Works is an Ellucian product that helps students, advisors, faculty, and administrators with degree tracking, auditing, and planning. UAH began using it in the Spring of 2019. It is a web-based audit tool that provides a clear and convenient method for:

  • Viewing and tracking requirements for the degree and major program declared by a student
  • Supporting more timely degree certification by reducing paperwork and manual degree certification checklists
  • Aiding departments in forecasting course capacity demand based on an assessment of how many students will need courses in future semesters

The program compares degree requirements and course work completed to produce an easy-to-read worksheet that helps students, advisors, and faculty view the degree requirements by categories (GER, Core, Major, Minor). Users have direct access through hyperlinks to view course descriptions, prerequisites, co-requisites, and class schedule for courses by clicking on the requirements within their degree audit.

Student Educational Planner (SEP) is a component of Degree Works. It allows students and advisors to lay out a recommended sequence of classes that fulfill program requirements. SEP is the tool that enables departments to communicate things like preferred courses within Charger Foundations for specific majors, and to streamline degree completion for non-standard students. Transfer Equivalency (TE) is another component of Degree Works; it is designed to more efficiently and accurately guide transfer students. TE provides easy-to-use tools for articulating and mapping courses, as well as processing transcripts. It also has a self-service tool for transfer students to self-articulate their own coursework, providing greater clarity to students so that they know exactly where they stand in meeting course and degree requirements. Degree Works has allowed UAH to move away from CAPP and paper advising sheets.

Degree Works is setup at UAH to have access for current students plus those enrolled for the next term.



Article ID: 137022
Fri 3/11/22 10:16 AM
Fri 3/11/22 10:16 AM