New platform and look for myUAH!

Meet the New myUAH

UAH’s web portal, myUAH, has a new design!

This new design, which launched on Thursday, September 28th, offers a more modern look, improved features, and a responsive, mobile device-friendly layout.

Why is myUAH changing?

In 2022, Ellucian, our software vendor for all things Banner, announced they would be retiring Luminis, the underlying software currently powering myUAH. Its replacement is a software called Experience.

With Experience now providing the core functionality of myUAH, OIT staff have been able to redesign the portal to make it more user- and mobile-friendly. Over the coming year, OIT will continue to make improvements to myUAH in response to user feedback.

What changed?

The login process for myUAH did not change. As always, log in to myUAH using the URL and confirm your identity with Duo.

In this new version of the web portal, you can customize your myUAH experience. Your dashboard is made up of cards - individual modules centered around a specific category or topic. You can add, remove, and organize these cards according to what’s most important to you.

Having trouble finding a specific card or link? Search for cards using the Discover menu!

What steps do I need to take?

1. Check your bookmarked pages

Do you have a saved bookmark for myUAH? We recommend checking that your bookmark is for the myUAH URL,, rather than a sub-page of the web portal. If you have bookmarked a specific area of myUAH you may need to recreate that bookmark after the change.

2. Be aware of where to get help

Have questions or concerns? Contact the OIT Help Desk in one of the following ways.

3. Have feedback to share? Please complete this short survey.

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