How to Purchase a New UAH Computer


If you or your department have identified a need to purchase a new computer, please consider involving OIT in the process. We can assist in the pre-purchase evaluation and quote generation for your new computer.

If your department is supported by OIT, please notify us upon delivery of your new computer so we can assist in the configuration and setup of your workstation.


1. Pre-Purchase Evaluation

Dell is UAH's primary supplier of computer workstations. Faculty and staff who wish to purchase a new computer can browse a collection of standard configurations put together by OIT staff:

  1. Visit Business Services' Open Bid Information page for up-to-date information on accessing Dell Premier.
  2. Sign in to using the username and password provided at the Business Services site linked above. You may be prompted to complete a CAPTCHA.
  3. Select the Shopper (Site E-Quote Shopper) access group then click Access Dell Premier.
  4. You'll see a pop-up welcome message. Close it after reading it.
  5. To view OIT's standard configurations for Dell workstations and peripheral devices, select Standard Configurations.

Do you need help deciding which computer configuration will best suit your needs? An OIT specialist can assist; please submit a pre-purchase consultation request to let us know what kind of features you're looking for.

2. Generating & Reviewing Your Quote

On the Dell Premier site, you can add items to your shopping cart and create an eQuote. Business Services provides information on how to generate quotes for a variety of vendors on their Open Bid Information webpage; simply select the Bid/Contract number for the type of computer you're looking to purchase.

If you were not already working with OIT on a pre-purchase consultation, you can provide your generated quote(s) to us before placing your order. We would be happy to review the quote(s) to identify potential issues and offer alternative recommendations, if necessary. 

3. Purchase

Provide a .pdf of the Dell eQuote (or quote from other vendor, if not purchasing a Dell) to your department's administrative team. They'll work with Procurement Services to place the order. To learn more about Banner Requisition Entry, Banner Requisition Approval, and Procurement Cards, please contact Business Services.

4. Delivery & Setup

Once your new computer is delivered, please notify OIT or your department's dedicated IT specialist.

If your department is supported by OIT, we'll set up your new computer on the UAH domain, ensure all necessary security software is installed, and configure your peripheral devices. We can also assist in setting up your physical computer workstation. You can request this service by submitting a ticket through the following link: New Computer Setup.

Still Need Help?

Have other questions about purchasing UAH computers? Please contact the OIT Help Desk.

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Article ID: 159465
Tue 12/12/23 3:53 PM
Mon 9/9/24 9:55 PM

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