Knowledge Base

Categories (12)

Account Access

Login issues and account maintenance for UAH services and computers

Wi-Fi, Network and Telecommunication

Wi-Fi, Wired Network, and office phones

Canvas and Learning Technologies

Canvas, Clickers, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Turnitin, and Qualtrics

Classroom Technology

Smart Boards, Smart Podiums, instructor desktops, projectors, and audio-visual equipment in classrooms

Desktop Computing

Computer/workstation hardware and software

Instructional Design and Online Learning

Topics and resources specific to course design, online learning, and the QEPO (Quality Educational Practices Online) process required for faculty to teach online.

Email, Calendar, and Google Workspace

Google Workspace apps and desktop email clients

myUAH and Banner

Enterprise UAH system maintenance, integrations, and development

Data Center/Systems

Virtual Machines, High Performance Computing, Data Center Hosting, Active Directory services, and shared file access


Multi-factor authentication, application or account breaches, policy violations, theft or compromise of data/equipment, and other security matters


We want to hear from you. Please contact us with your concerns, praise and questions


Resources for the creation of ADA-compliant digital files, Web pages, and documents.

Articles (4)

Pinned Article What to Provide to the Help Desk When Opening a Ticket

Be prepared to provide information when contacting the OIT Help Desk. Help us help you efficiently!

Contacting the OIT Help Desk

We offer several ways to get in contact with the OIT Help Desk at UAH.